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What are the main characteristics of generators

The most inseparable thing in our lives is electricity, electricity plays a very important role in our production life, and electricity is generated by power generation equipment and then transported, so what are the power generation equipment is indeed many people do not know, there are many kinds of power generation equipment, each can be used as a medium of power generation, the next Dongguan generator rental manufacturers Yatong small talk about what power generation equipment: what are the power generation equipment.

What are the power generation equipment

1, boiler back, boiler feed pump, fan, induced draft fan, pulverizing answer equipment, coal transfer equipment, dust removal equipment and other boiler auxiliary equipment.

2, turbine, circulating water pump and circulating water cooling system, condensate pump and other turbine auxiliary equipment.

3、Water treatment equipment.

4、Generator and generator control system, power transmission and transformation equipment.

5、All kinds of control devices and automatic instrumentation equipment;

6、Car, shovel, coal unloader and other on-site coal transportation equipment.

7, there are communication and liaison equipment, etc. and other equipment.

The main characteristics of generators in power generation equipment

1、Working characteristics.

Characterize the performance of synchronous generators is mainly no-load characteristics and load operating characteristics. These characteristics are an important basis for the user to choose the generator.

2, no-load characteristics.

When the generator is not connected to the load, the armature current is zero, known as no-load operation. At this time, the motor stator three-phase winding only excitation current If induced no-load electric potential E0 (three-phase proportional), its size increases with the increase of If. However, the two are not proportional because of the saturation phenomenon in the core of the motor magnetic circuit. The curve reflecting the relationship between no-load electric potential E0 and excitation current If is called the no-load characteristic of synchronous generator.

3, armature response.

When the generator is connected to a symmetrical load, the three-phase current in the armature winding will produce another rotating magnetic field, called the armature reaction magnetic field. Its speed is exactly equal to the rotor speed, the two synchronous rotation. Both the armature reaction field and the rotor excitation field of a synchronous generator can be approximated as being distributed according to a sinusoidal law. The spatial phase difference between them depends on the time phase difference between the no-load electric potential E0 and the armature current I. The armature reaction magnetic field is also related to the load condition. When the load of the generator is inductive, the armature reaction field plays a demagnetizing role, which will lead to a lower voltage of the generator; when the load is capacitive, the armature reaction field plays a magnetizing role, which will increase the output voltage of the generator.



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