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Generator manufacturers teach you how to properly maintain the oil-water separator

The oil-water separator is an instrument that separates oil and water. As an important part of fuel filtration, it plays the role of filtering fuel impurities. The main working principle is to remove impurities and water by gravity sedimentation according to the density difference between water and fuel. If the oil-water separator fails, the water and impurities in the fuel cannot be filtered normally, and the fuel system will be in an “unprotected” state and malfunction.

The oil-water separator is an instrument that separates oil and water. As an important part of fuel filtration, it plays the role of filtering fuel impurities. The main working principle is to remove impurities and water by gravity sedimentation according to the density difference between water and fuel. If the oil-water separator fails, the water and impurities in the fuel cannot be filtered normally, and the fuel system will be in an “unprotected” state and malfunction. In order to avoid the failure of the fuel system caused by the failure of the filter, the generator manufacturer we teach you how to properly maintain the oil-water separator.

1. Regular active water release

After the oil-water separator is used for a long time, the water separated from the fuel oil will accumulate in the water cup of the oil-water separator. When the water content of the water cup reaches the alarm line of the water level sensor, the diesel generator set will generate a fuel water content alarm. If the fuel water water alarm is not cleared for a long time, other fault codes will be triggered. Therefore, the oil water separator needs to be drained regularly. The recommended frequency is every half month or once a month.

2. Regularly replace the filter element

Replacing the filter element is an important part of the maintenance of the diesel generator set. Tingbo Power recommends regular replacement according to the maintenance manual, or contact the generator manufacturer for door-to-door maintenance and replacement.

3. Pump oil exhaust

In daily use, many users have encountered difficulty in starting more or less. There are many reasons for the difficulty in starting. One of the main reasons is the presence of gas in the low-pressure pipeline. For the difficulty of starting non-leakage air intake, it is necessary to remove the gas from the system, and the oil-water separator can play the role of pumping oil and exhausting.



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