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Four moves easily teach you to learn to identify whether the diesel generator set oil deterioration

Diesel generator set parts precision is very high, so the selection of oil requirements are also relatively high, in the maintenance of the unit, oil replacement is also one of the important items, the user must use the environment according to the temperature of the unit to choose the brand of oil, in order to ensure that the best performance of the unit, but due to the lack of professional knowledge, many users can not identify whether the oil deterioration, so this top Bo Power Editor will teach you Four simple methods to teach users to quickly determine whether the oil has deteriorated.

1、Observation of oil color

Generally speaking, the normal oil should be translucent yellow-brown, with the accumulation of diesel generator running time, the oil will carry some sludge and iron filings, at this time the oil will show black. In the observation of oil color, it is best in the sun, with the oil dipstick dipped in a little oil, observe against the light, you can clearly see the lubricant without wear residue iron filings, etc., no residue can continue to work, if the oil in the iron filings and other impurities too much, that the oil has deteriorated, need to be replaced immediately!

2、Look at the feel

Take out a bit of old oil, use your thumb and index finger to repeatedly twist and grind, normal oil is lubricated, smooth to the touch, no abrasive debris, no friction. If there is astringent feeling between finger rubbing, or there is grit and other large friction, it indicates that there are more iron chips, sludge and impurities in the oil, so the oil usually can not continue to use, should be replaced.

3、Observation of oil fluidity

Normal engine oil is not clear and free of impurities, and the flow of oil should be thin, uniform and continuous. The deteriorated oil is covered with impurities, and the oil flow is fast and slow when poured out, or in the shape of oil drops. So pour the oil slowly to another empty cup and observe its flow, then you can judge whether the oil is deteriorated.

4、Judging with oil slow qualitative test paper

In addition to the above methods, it is more intuitive and accurate to use the oil slow qualitative test paper to determine whether the oil is deteriorated. The method is: take out the oil dipstick, put a drop of oil on the dipstick in the slow qualitative test paper, place the test paper horizontally and leave it for 24 hours. It is found that after 24 hours of resting the test paper three important ring-like areas mentioned below will appear.

(1) deposition ring: the center of the spot, is the oil within the coarse particles of impurity deposits concentrated in the place, by the deposition ring color shades can roughly determine the degree of oil is contaminated.

(2) diffusion ring: in the periphery of the deposition ring, is suspended in the oil of the fine particles of impurities left behind by the outward diffusion of traces, said the oil additives to the ability to disperse contaminated impurities.

(3) oil ring: in the periphery of the diffusion ring oil ring, the color from light yellow to brownish red, indicating the degree of oil oxidation.

From the spread of oil color on the test paper to discern the four levels of oil quality.

First grade: there is no obvious boundary between the deposition area and the diffusion area of the oil spot, the color of the whole oil spot is uniform, the oil ring is light and bright, and the oil quality is good.

Second grade: the deposition ring color is dark, the diffusion ring is wide, there is a clear line of demarcation, the oil ring is different depths of yellow, the oil quality has been polluted, the oil can still be used.

Grade three: the deposition ring is deep black, the deposit is dense, the diffusion ring is narrow, the oil ring is darker, the oil quality has deteriorated.

Grade 4: only the central deposition ring and oil ring, no diffusion ring, deposition ring black deposits dense and thick, oil ring into a dark yellow and light brown, the oil quality has been oxidation deterioration.

Oil is equivalent to the blood of diesel generator sets, base on the normal operation of the generator plays an important role, too much oil, too little oil or oil deterioration will bring serious harm to the unit, and the lack of oil we can intuitively see, but the oil deterioration is not so easy to judge, master the above methods, you can also easily identify whether the oil deterioration.



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