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Do you know the difference between full copper generators and half copper generators

At present, the common brushless generators on the market, half copper and half aluminum generators. We all know that a diesel generator set is assembled from a diesel engine (diesel engine) and a generator (motor), and the manufacturing cost of the motor, that is, the generator, directly affects the final selling price of the diesel generator set. Copper brushless generators are significantly more expensive than brushed generators.

When users buy diesel generators, they will more or less come into contact with the concept of all-copper brushless generators and brushed generators. So what does all-copper brushless generators mean? What are the advantages? Why is it more expensive?

We all know that a diesel generator set is assembled from a diesel engine (diesel engine) and a generator (motor), and the manufacturing cost of the motor, that is, the generator, directly affects the final selling price of the diesel generator set. Copper brushless generators are significantly more expensive than brushed generators.

Difference 1: Pure copper wire generators are more energy efficient. The size of the resistance of the circuit parts is proportional to the size of the heat generation, and the larger the resistance, the greater the heat generation. Pure copper wire generator, pure copper wire has lower resistance than aluminum wire, low heat generation, smooth current, high resistance of aluminum wire leads to lower power conversion factor, which means more fuel consumption.

Difference 2: The pure copper core generator is quieter. Noise energy doubles for every 3 dB increase in noise on average. The noise of the aluminum wire motor is 7 decibels higher than that of the copper wire motor, so the noise of the aluminum wire generator is more than twice that of the pure copper generator.

Difference 3: All-copper generators are more durable. Copper and aluminum have different resistivities, with aluminum being more resistive than copper. That will cause the aluminum wire to generate a relatively high amount of heat during use, so it is easy to burn out the motor. Moreover, aluminum and copper welding cannot be naturally integrated, and the connection point of the power line is easily burned out, resulting in the life of the aluminum wire motor being much lower than that of the pure wire motor.

The pure copper diesel generator set, the stator and rotor are all made of copper, which can work continuously for more than ten hours without abnormal heating of the set. It is definitely the first choice for the main power supply.

Therefore, when choosing a motor, it is recommended that you choose an all-copper motor. Of course, if the diesel generator set is used as a backup power source, the power is small and you don’t need to run for a long time, you can also choose a lower price semi-copper diesel generator set.



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