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Talk about the importance of backup generators to the medical system

Hospitals are life support systems for communities, and when power outages fail for a variety of reasons, healthcare systems still need steady power to keep life support machines and other essential healthcare tools to keep people alive, no matter what the circumstances and Environment, the hospital always has to ensure the normal supply of electricity, which is the importance of the backup generator to the medical system.

We know that hospitals are the life support systems of the community, and when power outages fail for various reasons, the medical system still needs steady power to keep life support machines and other essential healthcare tools to keep people alive, regardless of the reason No matter what the situation and environment, the hospital must always ensure the normal supply of electricity, which is the importance of the backup generator to the medical system.

So what are the requirements and standards of the hospital for emergency backup power?

Simply put, the most basic element of the standard for a hospital standby diesel generator set is the generator’s response time. After the power outage of the public grid, the lack of timely and rapid provision of sufficient power supply for these machines may not be able to bear for a moment for patients who need life support. Generally speaking, in China, according to relevant data, the hospital backup power supply must be activated within ten seconds. In addition, hospitals must store enough fuel on-site to keep generators running for more than 96 hours in total, in case a power outage lasts for days.

In the summer when electricity consumption is severe, the key to preventing power outages is to prepare sufficient backup power solutions.

No one can calculate the risk of a power outage in a hospital. However, there are various steps that can be taken to ensure that hospital backup generators are ready.

1. As mentioned above, all necessary criteria are met.

2. Check weekly.

3. Monthly inspection. By running tests regularly, potential problems can be detected early.

4. Adequate generator operation training for employees is essential.

5. When life depends on a hospital backup generator, the generator needs to have enough fuel to keep it running.

In mission-critical environments such as hospitals, emergency rooms, etc., power outages can cripple all life-saving efforts, endangering not only patients but also employees. If you are considering installing a generator or upgrading an existing generator and find you are having difficulty with the process, please contact Dingbo Power.



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