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How to correctly choose the fuel tank capacity of diesel generator sets

The fuel tank is an indispensable and important part of the diesel generator set. Each diesel generator set needs to be equipped with a fuel tank of suitable capacity. Otherwise, if the generator has no fuel available during the power outage, the generator will lose its meaning of existence. , At present, the fuel tank of diesel generator set can be roughly divided into three types: sub-base fuel tank, underground storage tank and above-ground fuel storage tank. Users should choose the appropriate fuel tank type according to the capacity of their own fuel tanks.

Diesel generator set fuel tank

The fuel tank is an indispensable and important part of the diesel generator set. Each diesel generator set needs to be equipped with a fuel tank of suitable capacity. Otherwise, if the generator has no fuel available during the power outage, the generator will lose its meaning of existence. , At present, the fuel tanks of diesel generator sets can be roughly divided into three types: sub-base fuel tanks, underground storage tanks and above-ground fuel tanks. Users should choose the appropriate fuel tank type according to the capacity of their own fuel tanks, so how should users choose the correct fuel tank for diesel generator sets? capacity?

There are several factors to consider when selecting and installing a suitable generator tank.

1. Determine the fuel tank capacity

Diesel generator set users first need to determine how much fuel needs to be stored as this will determine the capacity of the tank. The minimum storage capacity is calculated by first estimating the following three parameters.

(1) Emergency Inventory: How much fuel is needed to allow for delayed supply or over-consumption of demand?

(2) Supply lead time: What is the lead time required to purchase fuel from the supplier to the generator site?

(3) Lead time inventory: How much fuel is required to run the generator on the lead time?

Based on the above three parameters, determine the minimum storage requirements as:

Minimum Storage Capacity = Urgent Inventory + Lead Time Inventory

2. What level of fuel storage capacity is best for you?

In the event of infrequent or brief power outages, the smaller storage tank is sufficient to meet the fuel needs of the generator. But then users need to buy fuel in smaller batches more frequently to refill the tank. While the initial investment in setting up storage tanks and maintenance costs is lower, the transportation costs per unit of fuel will be higher.

Large storage tanks are required when generators are used to support large commercial establishments or when power outages are frequent and lasting for extended periods of time. In this case, users can buy fuel less frequently and buy larger batches. But there is a higher initial payout when setting up the tank. Maintenance costs will also be high in the long run. On the other hand, because the fuel tank is large enough, the user can order a large amount of fuel at one time, so the unit transportation cost of the fuel is reduced. However, users also need to consider the hidden costs associated with the danger of storing large amounts of fuel.



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